Sunday 27 November 2016

Reflections on the lecture of Wednesday 23rd of November 2016 with Dr Rowan Bailey.

Today's session discussed the importance of appropriate presentations for this module in developing the proposal and artistic research methods. For the next two weeks, these lectures will be replaced by our presentations towards the development of the project. In the final lecture during week commencing 11th of December, the intention is to use that session to look at next term's activities. All presentations for the next two weeks will occur in the postgraduate suite.
  • The purpose of the presentation is to articulate how our work has been developing in this module TMA 1401.
  • It's an opportunity to reflect on the work and research that we have already done and to help crystallise our next steps.
  • It's also an opportunity to test our thoughts as to how we approach the major project in the New Year.
  • Furthermore, the presentation session will create an opportunity for feedback from the tutors.
Ultimately what this presentation is, is a kind of sales pitch:
  • to actively pitch and sell the idea of your proposal.
  • To contextualise our ideas.
  • To articulate and conceptualise the ways in which we work.
  • To provide evidence of research.
  • And how this research is going to be applied in practice.
How one articulates their proposal verbally would be different from a written plan simply because in a presentation and audience scenario, the verbal communication as such, cannot be self-plagiarising from the written word. This is not something that needs to be worried about!

It's important to discuss what worked well and good practice.
  • Demonstrate project planning and time management so that work can be prioritised and scheduled for next year.
  • And articulate the strategy of how you will achieve your each of the tasks that are identified.
The presentation will then be loaded into Turn-it-in after the verbal presentation for further review by tutors.

[see the six-point slide from Dr Bailey to provide areas of what to present. e.g.:]
  1. The aims and objectives of the project – these might not be final yet, but a rough outline might help communicate the structure of the project.
  2. Research and Development – to explore working strategies, processes, approaches to take.
  3. To focus on the framework for your project.
  4. the context proposed to work within – is there a target client/user/audience the proposed work is aimed at?
  5. to reflect on the key technical skills or key areas of development needed for the project. 
  6. Reflections on the project - Next steps?
It is essential to demonstrate reflective analysis which identifies strengths and weaknesses of the process and methods that have been reviewed.

Both visual analysis and text box analysis of any features such as reflections on drawings, sketches, design development and project planning should be self-explanatory.

As a strategy to develop the verbal presentation;
  • start by identifying the key ingredients.
  • Unpack what needs to be done as tasks and activities.
  • Articulate what you have found.
  • Set out the objectives to realise the actual project idea.
It is advised that one does not create a "petch-kutcha" style presentation which usually engages through just 20 seconds per slide and in this case would need to fill 15 minutes so that would require 45 slides at 20 seconds each and would probably be far too excessive.


  • Ensure that you have at least 12 texts that can be referred to, as the subject is an initial reference base. These provide information from your reading lists with relevant articles to reference.
  • Remember that this is a proposal only, so start with a broad scope. That is a demonstration that if you have researched with a wide entry point and hence this is why 12 texts should be considered as a minimum starting point is references with a review of at least five other practitioners methods.
  • The primary research methods must demonstrate that you have explored these other (five) methods and how you evidence these other methods is critical. As an example use the website at methods at Manchester, to help articulate other practitioners work.
  • The method can be delineated through a description supported by various other references and how these might apply in your practice. The aim is to legitimise the work that you carry out yourself through your practice; verify what you do is practice, and then contextualise it to demonstrate its currency.
  • As a useful example, look at the "business management" case study as contemporary phenomena would be a good place to start. Further reading can be gained from page 104 onwards for the section entitled "Methods in the book by Carol Gray and Julian Malins (Visualising Research) by Graham Malins (2004).
At this stage is also worthwhile to look at the section "critical reflection" to show some justification for the decisions that you have made as a practitioner to take your work forward.


  • Be critical with the reading. 
  • Identify what the flaws are in what I have been reading.
  • Why is this important?  e.g. this reference is of importance because X, Y, Z.
  • To have an excellent presentation is about selecting relevant specifics (just a few) and to have evidence such as strong peer-reviewed quotations to back up the specifics that you have drawn out.
  • Demonstrate that one has a firm grounding in the subject matter that is explored.
  • Use the University's library system "summons" together with appropriate filters such as the use of peer reviews, current references, and relevant evidence.
  • Lastly, it is important to consider how the presentation sits within the marking system. For this module, the assessment will be divided into equal parts. Therefore as there are 30 marks split between the evaluation criteria, then the average taken for the proposal section is approximately five scores from the 30 marks total.

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