Sunday 5 March 2017

Group tutorial with Stella Baraklianou, Friday 3rd March.

In this short group tutorial, we were given the opportunity to discuss our own work individually after a short introduction by Stella. The discussion was opened with the work conducted in the 1950s and 1960s by Norman Parkinson and his concept of the "squeezed in the corner" space.

This work was further supported by work by Joan Jonas entitled "Vertical Roll" and other works entitled "Disturbances."

With regards to my own project, Stella provided some really useful information regarding a book that she read some time ago by the author Helen McDonald, entitled "H is for Hawk".  I've ordered the book!

There was then some discussion on the perception of sight, and interestingly this was broadened to include one of our deaf colleagues and his interpreter's knowledge, about Usher's syndrome. In this condition, the visual acuity field is changed so that it is not possible to provide sign language through visual cues. Therefore the sign language is conducted through touch, that is, hands-on method, of reading gestures.


  • Another peer of mine provided a fascinating quotation by Slavoj Zizek who states "the function of ideology is not to escape from reality but to offer us the social reality itself as an escape".
  • Further reading of a book entitled "Realism, Materialism and Art" by Suhar Malik and Christopher Cox and Jenny Jaskey is worth reading.
  • Consider also the Google Books by Rodchenko, as further sources of information. 

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